reviews of mario's work
For REVIEWS of INDIVIDUAL POETRY COLLECTIONS, click here... then select relevant BOOK ICON.
"Akin to European scientist-writers such as Miroslav Holub and Primo Levi..." For the BRITISH COUNCIL's extensive assessment, click here.
"A prolific and powerful poet..." For the detailed POETRY INTERNATIONAL write-up, click here.
"Unquestionably powerful images, powerfully expressed..." For STRIDE magazine's in-depth review (by David Pollard), click here.
reviews by mario petrucci
Daljit Nagra - PBS Pamphlet Choice, Autumn 2003 |
James Sheard - PBS Pamphlet Choice, Spring 2004 |
Tim Dooley - PBS Pamphlet Choice, Autumn 2004 |
Frances Leviston - PBS Pamphlet Choice, Spring 2005 |
PhD, 2020: "Out of the Maze of Dualisms": Posthuman Space in Mario Petrucci and Alice Oswald's Poetry...
click here... to access a dowloadable pdf of the PhD by Seçil Erkoç, containing an in-depth study of Petrucci's Ecopoety.
general comments on mario petrucci's work...
“A writer of tremendous energy and inventiveness.” Philip Gross
Cardiff International Poetry Competition 2011, Judges' comments on 2nd Prize – hornets:
"We watched the poem slowly move up the pile with every rereading. It takes a while for the careful precision of the poem’s music, the deadly sharpness of its images,
and its almost allegorical intensity to become apparent - but in the end, the poem achieves that little miracle of invoking its subject, of naming it with a demonic accuracy
that seems to summon it up: it’s hard not to believe these damn things are actually in the room with you. A beautifully controlled and understated piece of work."
Click here for the poem (originally published on the CIPC site).
"A major voice in contemporary British poetry." Waterloo Press, 2008
Click here for a longer extract.
"In his tireless probing of memory, he brings the strength of belief to the art – the belief that poetry can crack open the kernel of meaning inside our experience. There is a quality of devotion in Petrucci’s writing that is humane, small-c catholic, exemplary." The Warwick Review
"Mario Petrucci truly 'turns to blood' within the reader, illustrating that poetry is alive and well in such capable hands."
"As close as we have to a 21st Century renaissance man... Rolls lovingly from the tongue... one of the most interesting and best poets of our times."
Literati Magazine
"Imaginative, sophisticated and effortlessly masterful... draws on the nature of raw experience and revives it in an incredibly accurate, poignant way." The Cambridge Student
"His poems are full of energy and life... a rich, original imagination." Isobel Thrilling
"Petrucci reaches out most frequently to the real poetry thrill. He has the gift of making the ordinary beautiful. An impressive study in empathy and an unusual sensuous strength. He finds interdependence in the life of nature and human life, and conjures up a living trauma in a few words." Margaret Pain (Review of 'Departures', in Iota 19)
"... has breadth as well as depth - a cool linguistic authority in form, and excitement about its content." Derrick Woolf, Odyssey
"Petrucci is of interest as one of the few contemporary poets exploring explicitly Italian themes and experiences in the mainstream of British literature." Il Punto 65
"A master of the art." Poetry Writers' Yearbook 2007
copyright mario petrucci 2001