Mario Petrucci has become a
regular visitor to our annual Book Week celebrations. His writing workshops always bring out the
best in the students, stretching the gifted and talented and offering a
meaningful and accessible route for the less able, and those who are usually
nervous of submitting ideas to paper.
Especially valuable are his reading workshops which are innovative and
exciting, and enable even reluctant readers to explore a range of challenging
poetry enthusiastically and fearlessly.
Perhaps because he is a former
teacher himself, Mario knows exactly how to pitch a session, so that students
are engaged and interested from the start, and, perhaps, most importantly,
confident enough to express their own views and to wrestle with poetry that
neither patronises them nor leaves them scratching their heads. Our thanks to Mario Petrucci for making
poetry real and alive. We’re already
looking forward to next year!
Adam Simmonds
St. Edmund’s College
March 2009